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AAS Human Services

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AAS Human Services 2023-08-10T15:30:33+00:00

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Human Services

Human Services StudentsGraduates will learn specific job skills, including communication skills, computational skills, applied sciences, human relations and social science. The AAS can be completed in two years with full-time attendance. A Direct Transfer (AA) degree, with an emphasis in Human Services, is also an education option; see a faculty adviser for details.

Program Overview

You will learn to support and empower children, youth, adults, families, groups and communities. You will have the skills and knowledge to work in a number of human services areas including youth services and programs, senior services and care of the elderly, substance abuse prevention and treatment, victim advocacy, mental health, rehabilitative services and more.

Coursework is highly interactive and includes field-based internships. Your experience at Highline will help you discover the work that is the best match for you.

Human services agencies will require you to complete a criminal history background check prior to offering you an internship or employment.

View Degree requirements and student learning outcomes

Questions? Please get in touch with Fred Capestany with your questions on programs offered through the Human Services department.